Welcome to my mighty but humble spot in the cyber-universe.

I’ve had a natural curiosity for emotional health since my earliest days. In my adult life, this disposition would lead to a professional and personal quest for healing modalities that produced tangible and lasting results. After decades of searching and to my surprise, I would find what I was looking for in forgiveness…but it wasn’t the kind of forgiveness I’d heard about my entire life…

From a spiritual-but-not-religious perspective, How to Forgive is a six-week online course that proposes a new understanding of forgiveness that is supported by a practical path.

Forgiveness is the ability to apply unconditional love (God’s love/universal love/divine love/whatever-you-prefer-to-call-it) and the ability to identify exactly what needs it. When these skills are synchronized over a short period of time, healing and freedom prevail.


You are anatomically designed to forgive. To begin learning about your forgiveness infrastructure, enter your email and receive Your Divine Mind PDF:

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You are anatomically designed to forgive. To begin learning about your forgiveness infrastructure, enter your email and receive Your Divine Mind PDF:

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