In 2012, after two decades of studying psychology, spirituality and a career in human services, I faced a challenging situation that none of my skills and education could resolve.
A good friend kept nudging me toward forgiveness, but I was dismissive. I liked it in theory but it never made sense to me in practice. Eventually though, the stress began to take its toll and I was done with feeling stuck, so I decided to give forgiveness my best shot.
I searched online for a “forgiveness how-to” and while there was a lot about why one should forgive, aside from “you just do it” directives, there was nothing about how. I needed directions and it appeared that I had to make them myself.
I had the intuition to bypass all the forgiveness definitions I’d heard throughout my life (pardoning, ceasing anger, having compassion, and letting go) and look directly into forgiveness’ constitution. From this perspective everything flowed forth. A logical path came to me and once I completed it, I felt peaceful and free for the first time in three years.
Initially, I was just relieved I’d figured things out for myself, but two years and many meaningful conversations later, I clearly saw that a lot of people were where I had been: they had something they wished to let go of and they lacked a practical path.
I began teaching How to Forgive in 2014, but it really taught me. It showed me forgivenesses’ nuances, allowed me to test it against a multitude of challenges, had me scrutinize my understanding against popular understanding, and most importantly, it showed me how forgiveness actually worked.
Today, I guide others beyond pardoning and teach them how to use their Divine Mind, move stagnant energy, apply unconditional love, and identify exactly what needs it.
My teaching style is:
- experiential. Your experience is the best teacher.
- emotion positive. Emotions have restorative properties.
- relatable. I know firsthand how challenging things can be.
- universal. Unconditional love belongs to everyone.
- I possess an M.A. in Contemplative Psychology.
- my near and dear appreciate my honesty, my mystical lens, and my ability for meaningful conversations.
- I can genuinely see the numerous ways in which each human soul is extraordinary.
- I live by this spiritual truth: God’s love/universal love/unconditional love/whatever-you-prefer-to-call-it, is accessible to anyone who wants it. Developing the ability to skillfully apply this love is one of the most spiritual things a person can do.
Here are some nice things people have said about me and my work.

You are anatomically designed to forgive. To begin learning about your forgiveness infrastructure, enter your email and receive Your Divine Mind PDF:

You are anatomically designed to forgive. To begin learning about your forgiveness infrastructure, enter your email and receive Your Divine Mind PDF: